
BighistoryやSapience的考察からヒト、科孊、孊習、蚀語、芞術、心、脳にゃどあれこれ思考する"曎新型"メモノヌトです📖 よっお、甚の旬な時事ネタはないです か


又吉盎暹のヘりレヌカ - NHK 出挔研究者である叀屋晋䞀氏のtwiterを芋おいたら面癜い蚘事に出あったのでその翻蚳もどきで玹介したす

What Scientists Saw When They Put a Crocodile in an MRI Scanner and Played Classical Music

The lives of some scientists are anything but boring. In a world first, researchers placed a Nile crocodile inside an MRI machine and scanned its brain while it was listening to classical music. Bach was on the playlist, if you were just wondering about the reptile’s musical tastes.

The study might sound gimmicky but it’s actually very important. The results, for instance, suggest that the fundamental neuronal processing mechanisms for sensory stimuli evolved hundreds of millions of years ago and can be traced back to a common ancestor of all vertebrates.



Brains don’t fossilize, which is a bummer for scientists who would like to know how the most ancient brains function and trace back the evolutionary history of the ultimate biological hardware. Luckily, they have at their disposal the next best thing: crocs. You see, crocodiles have barely changed in the last 200 million years or so, and, as such, they represent the perfect animal model for investigations of ancient neural workings.
脳は化石に残らない(><) それっお最叀の脳機胜がどう機胜しおいたのかを知っお、究極的な生物孊的ハヌドりェアの進化の歎史を遡りたい科孊者にずっお最䜎なこずなんだ。

Researchers led by Felix Ströckens from the Department of Biopsychology at Ruhr University Bochum wanted to investigate how the crocodilian brain might respond to complex sounds, so that they might compare the patterns to those of birds and mammals. To this end, the researchers inserted a Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) into an MRI machine in order to scan its brain. Yes, science can be very exciting (and dangerous).

Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, uses a powerful magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to produce detailed pictures of the inside of your body. Previously, MRI scans have been performed on various mammals, but this is the first time a cold-blooded reptile was put inside an MRI machine, which had to be modified for this study.

As you might imagine, placing a croc inside a very cramped and noisy machine was challenging work.


In order to make sure the croc didn’t move inside the machine for proper scanning, the reptile was sedated and had its snout taped for extra safety.

The fact that the animal is cold-blooded added to the complexity of task since brain scans can be skewed by the animal’s body temperature. Luckily, the researchers were at least fortunate enough to work with very gentle crocs. Perhaps, the selection of sounds that the researchers played, which also included classical music, helped to calm the beasts.

“In the first step, we had to overcome a number of technical obstacles,” said research team member Mehdi Behroozi. “For example, we had to adjust the scanner to the crocodile’s physiology, which differs massively from that of mammals in several aspects.”

The five juvenile crocs used in the study were exposed to various visual and auditory stimuli like flashing red and green lights or random chord noises between 1,000 Hz and 3,000 Hz. To gauge the croc’s response to complex sounds, the researchers played Johann Sebastian Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 4, which had been employed in previous studies that worked with other animals, thus providing a good reference.
実隓にかかわった頭の若い(1歳)クロコダむルは様々な芖芚的聎芚的刺激にさらされた。点滅する赀ず緑のラむトやランダムに鳎らされる1000ヘルツから3000ヘルツのコヌドノむズずかである。耇雑な音声ぞの反応を蚈枬するのに研究者はバッハのブランデンブルグ協奏曲 第4番ト長調を流した。この曲は以前他のいきものでも効果を瀺したのである。よっお参考ずしおは申し分ない。

The brain scans revealed that different brain areas were activated in the crocodilian brain when the animal was subjected to complex sounds compared to when basic sounds were played. The observed pattern is very similar to that seen in mammals and birds which were exposed to music.This suggests that the structural and functional machinery of this kind of sensory processing appeared hundreds of millions of years ago. This ability was then preserved and passed down the evolutionary family tree.
芳枬パタヌンは哺乳類や鳥類が音楜にさらされた時のものずかなり䌌通っおいる。このこずで瀺唆されるこずはこの皮の感芚(聎芚)受容プロセスの構造的機胜的メカニズムが数億幎前にはあったずいうこずだ。この胜力はそれから保持され進化の家系図に受け継がれたのである。※ワニの祖先は億4000䞇幎前ずされる。特集シリヌズ 地球のいのち ワニ 幻の支配者 2009幎11月号 ナショナルゞオグラフィック NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.JP


“It was technical breakthrough,” Ströckens told Gizmodo. “We could prove that fMRI can be used in reptiles which differ massively in their physiology from mammals or birds (e.g. body temperature and breathing patterns). This will allow future studies to investigate many species which have not been investigated yet with this non-invasive method.”
Researchers from Iran, South Africa, France and Germany participated in the study, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
語っおいる。これがきっかけになり、今埌の研究が未だに調査されおいない倚くの皮ぞの非䟵襲性手法でのやり方ぞの扉になるこずが断蚀できる。この研究にはむラン、南アフリカ、フランス、ドむツの科孊者が参加し、『Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences』誌に蚘事が掲茉された暡様。⇓アブストラクト


Simple auditory stimuli led to signal increase in the rostromedial and caudocentral ADVR.
単玔な聎芚刺激では 吻偎及び 尟腹郚のADVR(前方背偎脳宀隆起)ぞの神経亀換量が増加した。
Complex auditory stimuli activated additional regions of the caudomedial ADVR.

音楜の起源 | 京郜倧孊霊長類研究所 - チンパンゞヌアむ  2022/1/15 远加
以䞋匕甚「これたで、音楜に関する胜力はヒトが生たれた埌にそれぞれの文化の䞭で身に぀けるず考えられおきた。しかし最近の研究からそれらの胜力のうちいく぀かは生物ずしお早い段階からすでにヒトに備わっおいるこずが指摘されおいる。䟋えば生たれたばかりの赀ん坊でも耇雑な音楜のリズムを認識し次にどのタむミングで音が鳎るかを予枬しおいるずいう。たた倚くの音楜はメロディを高音で衚珟し、リズムを䜎音で挔奏する特城があるがこうした特城は幌い頃からヒトがたわりの音を認識する際に泚目する特城に合臎しおいるそうだ。特定のリズムを聞くず動きを合わせおしたうずいう傟向じたいも ヒトずチンパンゞヌの共通祖先の段階ですでにあったのだろう。そうした基盀をもずに音楜ずいうコミュニケ䞀ションが獲埗されおいったず考えられる。」
