
BighistoryやSapience的考察からヒト、科学、学習、言語、芸術、心、脳にゃどあれこれ思考する"更新型"メモノートです📖 よって、グルーミング用の旬な時事ネタはないです…か?


遅ればせながら かわいい仔達から長崎そして広島 に 黙祷を捧げます




Silent Prayers to Nagasaki from our lovely friends💞

Today was the second😾😾day of the atomic bombing in japan 75yrs ago...

We including all organisms are on the verge of self-destruction or sixth extinction☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ and of course we human have responsibilities for stopping it!!

Time to think wise💡

Imagine you,esp. the top of the leading nations were looking down from the space station at this one strange rocky planet🌎with no border🚫would you feel you still wanna stick to drawing a line?showing your power with self-indulgence or self-greed?

Particularly,in this era of COVID19

a cluster of energy and time should be spent where it is needed the most,critical areas of a cluster of viruses.🤝

No Nuke or No Life??

Collapse or Collaboration??

Think Wrong or Think Wise??

