
BighistoryやSapience的考察からヒト、科学、学習、言語、芸術、心、脳にゃどあれこれ思考する"更新型"メモノートです📖 よって、グルーミング用の旬な時事ネタはないです…か?

Silent Prayer and Feel Nature

Most of the homo sapiences forget or ignore this! Say a prayer 2 people at that time and place(especially East-South japan, but remind the bottom line of the nature,world & universe💫

🌏Earth began without us and will sure end without us.

#silentprayer #earthquake #japan #fukushima

#today #peopleneednature #naturedoesnot

#mindfulthoughts #buddha #faithful #rebirth #gratitude #naturedoesntneedpeople #nature #人類 #共生 #自然 #宇宙 #生命 #感謝 #ego #human beings #nature #principle

Same thought, 2019 20:40

Things are bigger and bigger but Nature still doesn't care about you❢

2020/Mar/eleventh, 20:00

